About Us - a little of our history

The origin of Walton Park Indoor Football Centre, was the campaigning group, Walton Park Indoor Football Club, established in September 2007 by footballers seeking to prevent the announced closure of the Centre, by Trafford MBC in June 2007.

The Club represented some 400 plus weekly players, a substantial number of whom had played at Walton Park Sports Centre for decades, who wished to protect this valued community facility for future generations.

In October 2007, Trafford announced that following their consultation exercise, they would remove the closure notice, and seek a positive future for the Centre.

However, the closure of the Centre to all sports continued to be discussed, including a specific recommendation for this within a strategic review of sport within the borough.  The sports groups using the centre continued their battle to protect the participation of probably over 1400 weekly users.  Aligned to the 2010 General Election and the new Governments severe cutbacks in funding and their desire for more Community involvement, Trafford MBC decided to work with the users to undertake an Asset Transfer of the building to the Charitable company, Walton Park Sports Centre Ltd.

In February 2011, the Club decided to form a company, registered as Walton Park Indoor Football Centre, which subsequently obtained charitable status, to lease the football pitches from WPSC Ltd with the aim of managing the long term provision of indoor football at Walton Park.

The lease commenced, 1 July 2011 and runs for 30 years - enough time we hope to make Walton Park a premier centre of indoor football in South Manchester.

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